Died but still alive

 It was there for years, 

Showering cold breeze to number of travellers, 

Giving shelter to throudand ๐Ÿ’šof birds over several year. 

It was there for years, 

Covering the raising sun every morning,

With its dense branches and leaves denying me to see morning sun. 

It was there for years,

Making me realise that we don't live at a planet which only have tall buildings who can't even talk or breeth, 

But a life which can grow without any support and demand and also support other unconditionally to grow. 

It was there for years, 

Showing us that only a single colour of green could feel your eye with joy, 

When we are busy in painting our home with colours to make it attractive. 

It was there for years, 

As a home to several magnificent species, 

When we think that human are only best creation of nature.... 

It was there..

But it is not there,,  

Because it had to allow itself to break into pieces so that the owner who didn't even offered a drop of water to it could  get money to enjoy drink at night... 

But it has not died yet, , 

It has transformed itself into some beautiful furniture,, 

We are still using it for our enjoyment, 

To fill our home with luxurious wooden decorations,, 

To show the society that we are rich, our possessions.... 

But it is there not was 

The only thing is it has lost its power to breathe, to grow 

But it is still there serving us unconditionally 

It is there 
